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Modul Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI Semester 1 | Kanjeng Mariyadhies Ngawi I 1


Salah satu upaya untuk melengkapi sumber belajar  yang relevan dan bermakna guna meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Atas  (SMA),  Al Izzah Group yang merupakan salah satu perintis Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar dan Privat yang terbaik di Ngawi barat mengembangkan buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas XI.

Modul ini merupakan modul khusus yang dilengkapi dengan ringkasan materi, trik mudah dan kumpulan latihan soal yang dikemas sedemikian rupa sehingga siswa dapat memahami materi dengan mudah dan mengarah.

Modul ini telah dinilai oleh tim Peningkatan mutu pendidikan bimbingan dan rapat dewan tentor, dan dinyatakan memenuhi  syarat untuk digunakan sebagai buku pelajaran di Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar dan Privat Al Izzah Walikukun. Para  siswa diharapkan dapat menguasai semua Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar secara lebih mendalam, luas serta bermakna, kemudian dapat mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan juga memperolah peningkatan yang signifikan dalam pemerolehan nilai PR, Tugas, Ulangan harian, Ujian Semesteran dan Ujian Nasional.

Saran perbaikan untuk penyempurnaan modul ini sangat diharapkan. Terimakasih setulus-tulusnya disampaikan kepada para rekan yang telah berkontribusi dalam penyusunan modul ini, baik pada saat awal pengembangan bahan ajar, uji coba terbatas, maupun penyempurnaan  sehingga  dapat  tersusunnya  modul ini. Terimakasih dan  penghargaan  juga  disampaikan  kepada  semua  pihak yang telah membantu terwujudnya penyetakan modul ini.

Walikukun, 15 Agustus 2013



ü  To describe a particular person, place or thing.

ü  Identification  :  identify phenomenon to be described
ü  Description  : describe parts, qualities, characteristics
ü  Language features         :           1. Focus on specific participants
                  2. Use of attributive and identifying processes
                  3. Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups
                  4. Use of Simple Present Tense
A.  Building Knowledge of Field
A.1. Listening

Activity 1

Listen to the teacher while she/he is reading
Myrna is a young Canadian woman who lives in the apartment next to me; that is, she is my (1) … , She is a very (2) … girl. In fact she was so pretty that she should be on the (3) … of a magazine. She has a good job in an office because she is a (4) … . However, Myrna is (5) … and she wants a better job. She does not earn (6) … money in this job, she says. She has decide to learn shorthand. Consequently she is studying (7) … at (8) … . She goes to class two (9) … a week, on Tuesday and Wednesday. She was learning fast. She can take dictation at 30 (10) … per minute.
Answer the following question
1.     Who is the speaker’s neighbour?
2.     How does she look like?
3.     How is her character?
4.     What does she do on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings?
5.     Does she have a special ability? What is it?

Vocabulary Building

Activity 2
Match the words with the body parts by drawing a straight line. Look at the example given


Text Box:

Eye brow

Activity 3.
Text Box:  Look at the picture .  Then answer the questions
1. How does this man look like?
2. How old is he?
3. How is his complexion?
4. How is his figure?
5. How is his height?

Activity 4.
Read the following words aloud and find their meanings in your dictionary
A. Looks                                   Meanings
   1. ugly                       : _____________________
   2. sexy                      : _____________________
   3. plain                      : _____________________
   4. charming                : _____________________
   5. cute                       : _____________________
   6. pretty                     : _____________________
   7. handsome              : _____________________
   8. cool                       : _____________________
   9. beautiful                 : _____________________
 10. attractive                : _____________________

B. Age                                      Meanings
    1. old                                    : _____________________
    2. eldery                   : _____________________
    3. young                   : _____________________
    4. middle-aged          : _____________________
    5. young                   : _____________________

C. Complexion
   1. dark                       : _____________________
   2. fair                         : _____________________
   3. black                     : _____________________

D. Figure                                  Meanings
   1. stocky                   : _____________________
   2. fat                         : _____________________        
   3. big                         : _____________________
   4. slender                   : _____________________
   5. plump                    : _____________________
   6. slim                       : _____________________
   7. small                      : _____________________
   8. skinny                    : _____________________
   9. muscular                : _____________________
 10. obese                    : _____________________

D. Height                                  Meanings
   1. tall                         : _____________________
   2. short                      : _____________________
   3. average height        : _____________________
Activity 5.

Look at the pictures then describe their physical  features

Looks               : ________________________
Age                  : ________________________
Complexion      : ________________________
Figure               : ________________________
Height               : ________________________





Activity 6.
Look at the picture then answer the questions

1. How is his hair?
2. how is his face?
3. how is his eyes?
4. How is his nose?
5. how is his cheeks
6. How is his ears?

Activity 7.
Pronounce and find the meaning of the words
Body parts
Body parts
1. long
2. oval
3. pale
4. oblong
1. small
2. bright
3. wide
4. slanted
5. blue
1. pointed
2. small
3. flat
4. aquiline
1. chubby
2. haggard

1. black
2. blond
3. curly
4. bald
5. straight
6. ponytail
1. small
2. big

Activity 8.
Match the description with the picture






            ______                    ________                    ________                  _______            ________

A. Mr. Michel is  a well-known English Snookerman. He has bald hair
B. Linda is a young sexy girl. Her legs are so slender.
C. Budiman loves sport very much. Look at his muscular arm.
D. Dr. Arif is a lecturer at University of Indonesia. His curly hair makes him easy to recognized .
E. Mrs . Elma is 45 years old. But her long straight hair makes her look younger.

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Word Order

Study the following sentences!
§  Myrna is a young Canadian woman.
§  She is a very pretty girl.
§  She is an energetic typist.

To describe something sometimes we can use more than one adjective. We can use both fact adjectives and opinion adjectives.
A young Canadian woman.  (determiner + age + origin + NOUN)
An expensive brown leather, traveling, bag (determiner + opinion + colour + NOUN)

Activity 9
Put the following adjective into the table!






Activity 10
Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct order, then make into a good sentence. (Number 1 has been done for you)
1.   two (thick, expensive, reading) books
My teacher put two expensive thick reading books on the table
2.   a (square, heavy, wooden) box.
3.   a vase of (plastic, red, beautiful, tiny) flowers.
4.   a bunch of (French, red, cheap, big) grapes.
5.   five (middle-aged, Australian, cheerful) tourist.
6.   an (blue, silky, evening, exclusive, Parisian) gown.
7.   Some (smart, elegant, young, tall, English) woman.
8.   a (young, German, blue-eyed) man

A.2.2.Compound Adjectives
A compound adjectives is an adjectives which is made up of two parts and is usually written with a hyphen, e. g. Well-dressed, never-ending, diamond-shaped.
Its meaning is usually clean from the words it combines. The second part of the compound adjectives is frequently a present or past participle.

Middle – aged
Two – faced
Absent – minded
Curly – haired
Big – headed
Hand – made
Egg – shaped
Good – legged
Broad – shoulders
Heart – shaped
Blue – eyed

Self – canted
Rosy – cheeked

Warm – hearted
Thin – lipped

White – haired
Left – handed

easy – going
Slim – hipped

e. g. Tom is a curly – haired, broad – shouldered, left – handed young man. 

Activity 11
Using a compound adjectives, complete the following sentence. Number 1 has been done for you
1.   Yani        :    Dian is very tense now. Do you know what happens with her?
Yuni        :    Because she thinks her exam. She’s usually quite relaxed and easy – going about most thing
2.   Linda      :    Jane has beautiful eyes.
Ann         :    You’re right. Her eyes are ______________________________________________________
3.   Melisa is a_____________________________________girl so she has a lot of friends.
4.   Rendra    :    Did you see the old woman when you came here two days ago?
Jeffry      :    You mean the ________________________________woman. Was she your grandmother?
5.   Rini is the cleverest girl in our class. But she is a little______________________girl many students dislike her.
The … girls is Miss Universe from Russia. She’s weaning a pair of beautiful red Italian shoes.
6.   Liza         :    Jane has beautiful eyes.
Joan       :    You’re right. Her eyes are____________________________________________________
7.   Iwan        :    Brr … brr … it’s too cold here. I can’t help living in an _____________________________ room.
Dedi       :    I’ll turn of the AC.

A.2.3.Relational Process
To describe a person a thing or place we normally use relational verbs to give information about them.

Grojogan Sewu is a beautiful waterfall
My town has many tourist resorts
The weather today gets hotter

e. g. 

Her house is the most beautiful house in our town
Bengawan Solo is the longest river in Java
The most beautiful house in our town is her housed
The longest river in Java is Bengawan Solo

Here is a list relational process

be (is, am, are)
be (was, were)

Activity 12
Works in pairs. Use the following words to identify the picture.


See the example
  • Hindu

  • 1
  • Biggest
  • Famous
  • Central Java
  • Beautiful Relief

Prambanan is a famous temple. It is the biggest Hindu temple. It is located between Yogyakarta and Central java. It has beautiful relief

    Middle – aged
  • Teacher

  • 2
  • Glasses
  • White – haired
  • Flowery shirt
  • Friendly
  • English

Mr Gunawan is  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  • Waterfall

  • 3
    Tawangmangu Karanganyar
  • Central java
  • Mountains
  • Scenery
  • Fresh

Grojogan Sewu is  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  • Light green

    Isuzu Panther

  • 4
  • Comfortable
  • Automatic seatbelt
  • Elegant
  • Diesel engine

Thi is my car …….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


  • Long - hair
  • beautiful
  • attractive

  • 5
    blue eyed
  • slim
  • thin - lipped
  • young
  • Venezuelan
  • Model

Mary is a model ...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

A.3.Speech function

A.3.1.Getting other people's opinions, expressing opinions

Getting other people’s opinios :
§  What do you think of …
§  Is that right (true) that …
§  Do you think it's going …
§  Why do they behave like that?
§  Do you have any idea?
§  How do you like …?
§  Please give me your frank opinion.
§  What's your opinion?

Expressing opinions :
§  In my opinion, …
§  I personally believe …
§  I personally think …
§  I personally feel
§  Not everyone will agree with me, but …
§  To my mind …
§  From my, point of view…
§  Well, personally …
§  If I had my way I would …
§  What I'm more concerned with is …
§  In my case …
§  Absolutely …

Activity 13
Read this dialogue!
Andy  : Well, what do you think of my car?
Bimo  : Well, personally, It looks comfortable. By the way, is it an expensive American car?
Andy  : No, it’s a cheap small Japanese car.
Bimo  : How many people can it take?
Andy  : There’s room for five people.
Bimo  : Has it got brakes?
Andy  : Yes, there’re very good. The engine’s in the front, and there’s a big boot in the back.
Bimo  : It’s looks well made

Andy  : Would you like to come for drive?
Bimo  : OK. Drive carefully, won’t you. There’s a lot of traffic today.

a.   Answer the questions.
1.     How many persons are involved in the conversation?
2.     Who is the owner of the car?
3.     How does the car look like?
4.     What does Bimo think about Andy’s car?

b.   In pairs, make a short dialogue by using giving opinion and expression
X    : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y    : __________________________________________________________________________________
X    : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y    : __________________________________________________________________________________
X    : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y    : __________________________________________________________________________________
X    : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y    : __________________________________________________________________________________
X    : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y    : __________________________________________________________________________________

A.3.2. Expression of love.
Activity 14
Listen your teacher’s reading the dialogue
Adita    : Have you ever gone to Australia?
Andien  : Not yet. How about you?
Adita    : I have gone there twice
Andien  : What state have you visited?
Adita    : I went to New South Wales.
Andien  : Wow. So you must have visited Sidney. Its capital.
Adita    : You are right.
Andien  : How has the situation been in Sydney?
Adita    : It is a big and crowded city. But the people are so lovely. Their hospitality made me impressed.
Andien  : You must like the city much.
Adita    : Yes, I even love the city. When I have time and money. I’ll visit Sidney once again.
Andien  : Ask me then!.
Adita    : Of course.

Answer these questions
1. Who are they?
2. What are they talking about?
3. What city has Adita gone to?
4. How is his feeling about the city?
5. Can you show his expression to show his feeling?
6. Can you mention the other examples of expression of love?

Activity 15.
Learn these expressions

Expression of love
I love you
I love you so much
I love you from the bottom of my hard
I must love it
I really love it
I am crazy about you
I am crazy of …
I love you too
So do I
Me too

I love it too

I feel the same with you

Activity 16.
Fill the blank with suitable expression of love and its responses

1. Amin : Here is your picture when you were at  Sidney?
    Ari    : Yes, Isn’t this city great.
    Amin : Yes, what do you feel about the city?
   Ari     : ________________________. I’ll visit it another time.

2. Kelly : Here a present for you. Happy birthday Andy.
    Andy            : Oh, thank you. What is it?
    Kelly : Just open!
    Andy            : Wow. a gold watch. _____________________ .

3. Andi  : Can I be frank about what  I’m really feeling?
    Rika  : Yeah…
    Andi : __________________________________________
    Rika  : Really? Do you ?
    Andi : yes, I do.

4. Dina  : Bert, Why do you always send me this love letters, call me any time, come to my house? Why do
               you do that?
    Bert  : _______________________of you Dina. I can forget you. You are always in my mind.

5. Romeo          : Juliet, I love you from the bottom of my heart.
    Juliet                        : Oh, Romeo , __________________________________
    Romeo         : Really?
    Juliet                        : Yes

A.3.3. Expression of Pleasure.
Activity 17
Observe this picture. Answer the question.
Oval Callout: My flight from Canberra ran well. I’m glad it’s done Oval Callout: Good for you!


Text Box: The pilot is expressing  his feeling of ______________________

Activity 18.
Learn these expressions
Neutral expression

I’m glad

I’m glad you like it

I’m glad it’s done
I’m glad the…..runs well
I’m very pleased with …
I’m very delighted about…
Informal expression
That’s great
That’s terrific
Formal expression

It gives me a great pleasure

I am delighted to hear that

Activity  19.
Write a transactional or interpersonal dialogue based on the following situation.
1.     You meet with your old friend. He is a top manager in a multinational company. You are glad to know it.
Your friend  : ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend  : ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend  : ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________

2.     Your friend just came from Australia. He told you that his travel is fascinating and you glad to hear that.
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend  : ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend  : ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend  : ____________________________________________________________________
3.     You are following a casting for a new soap commercial. One day the advertising agency calls  you that you are accepted as the commercial star. You are very glad to hear the phone.
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer :  ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer : ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer :  ____________________________________________________________________
You                        : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer : ____________________________________________________________________

B.     Modelling Text of Field
Activity  20
Read the following description of a city.  Divide it into paragraphs.

Yogyakarta is one of the nicest places I have ever visited. It is a city in south of Java Island. It is a popular holiday resort for people who like cultural and historical sites.
Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lots of different things to see. There are many temples in the province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and Sambi Sari. There are also two palaces that we must not miss, Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace.
Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lots of different things to see. There are many temples in the province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and Sambi Sari. There are also two palaces that we must not miss, Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace.
Yogyakarta is a tropical city. There are lots of palm trees and other tropical fruit trees. There are also beautiful beaches, such as Parangtritis, Krakal, Kukup, Glagah. It is not difficult to get around the city at the day because taxis and buses are easily found.
Unfortunately, there is no bus in the evening. The only way to see the nightlife of the city is by taxi, but it is rare at night. I like Yogyakarta because it's a beautiful and peaceful city. I would like to visit it again one day.

a.   Discuss these questions
1.     What does the writer to describe?
2.     What does the first paragraph tell the reader about?
3.     In what paragraphs are the terms in Yogyakarta mentioned?
4.     What does it’ (pr. 1 the 2nd sentences) refer to?
5.     How are the beaches in Yogyakarta?
6.     What does the writer think of Yogyakarta.

b.   Now let’s study the text more closely.
1.     Does the writer start with the identification?
2.     Does the text describe parts qualities, and characteristics of Yogyakarta?
3.     Is the text in simple present tense?
4.     Which of these is the purpose of the text?
a.        to describe a particular place
b.       to describe the way things are

C.     Joint Construction
Activity 21
Thailand is an ASEAN country. It has been trying to have good relations with its neighbours and other countries  in the world. It does not allow other countries to interfere with its domestic affairs and it refuses foreign military bases to be installed in the country.
Thailand is an area of 514 square kilometers. It is equal to one third of the size of the South-east Asian Peninsula. Thailand has been the rice barn of South-east Asia. Rice is one of the main exports of the country besides other farming products. Ninety percent of the population in Thailand are Buddhists.
Thailand, one of the Kingdoms in South-east Asia, means free country. This is because Thailand is the only country in South-east Asia which has never been occupied by the European.
Thailand is ruled by a king. The people have great respect for their king because firstly, the kingdom is the oldest institution in Thailand. Secondly, most of the Kings have succeeded in leading their people and country towards prosperity. Moreover, the King is the protector of Buddhism, the national religion, and therefore, the king can do no wrong.
Thailand is also called a country of thousand pagodas. In Bangkok, the capital city, there are around 400 beautiful pagodas. 
a.      True or false? Show in what paragraph the correct statement is written.
1.     … Thailand lets other countries interfere with its domestic affairs.(paragraph …)
2.     … The European has ever occupied Thailand. ( … )
3.     … Minority of the people in Thailand are Buddhists. ( … )
4.     … The King has an important role in leading his country. ( … )
5.     … Bangkok is called a country of thousand pagodas. ( … )

b.      Work in groups. Finds the text structure of the test?





c.      Language Features
Find out a specific thing / participant describe in the text
Find out attributive and identifying process
Find out sentences written in simple present

D.     Independent Construction of Text
Activity 22
Make a short description( choose one of the following items)
1.     Report to the police that
a.     Your friend is missing when you are camping
b.    Your motorcycle is missing when you are shopping
c.     Your pet is missing
2.     Act as if you are a guide, tell to the tourists
a.     One of the tourist resorts in your town
b.     One of the historical buildings in Central Java

Name    : ________________________    Student Number: ________________________

Aspects of scoring

Low (45-59)
Average (60-75)
Good (76-100)





Total Score

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