Modul Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI Semester 1 | Kanjeng Mariyadhies Ngawi I 2
Salah satu upaya untuk melengkapi sumber belajar yang relevan dan bermakna guna meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Al Izzah Group yang merupakan salah satu perintis Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar dan Privat yang terbaik di Ngawi barat mengembangkan buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas XI.
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Walikukun, 15 Agustus 2013
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The Place Is Exiting !
(Written description)
v Learning outcomes
ü Reading a description text about a particular place or thing.
ü Writing a descriptive text about a particular place or thing.
In this unit you learned how to describe a persons physical features, In this lesson, you will learn new to write a description of particular thing or place e.g a city, a place of interest or a country.
A. Building Knowledge of Field
A.1.Recognizing places around you
Activity 1
Names things in the school
· In pairs, make a list of things that you can use.
Fine in your school and their characteristic.
· Look at the example.
Thing in/at the school
Big, beautiful
Activity 2
Naming and qualifying places
· Go out and identify places around your school and mention some characteristic that place have.
· Look at the example
a mosque
a traditional market
big, tall, clean
Activity 3
Understanding a text
Read the text below and answer the questions !
Read the following description of a city.
Yogyakarta is one of the nicest places I have ever visited. It is a city in south of Java Island. It is a popular holiday resort for people who like cultural and historical sites. Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lost of different things to see. There are many temples in the province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and Sambi sari. There are also two palaces that we must not miss, Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace. Yogyakarta is a tropical fruit trees. There are also beautiful beaches, such as Parangtritis, Krakal, Kukup, Glagah, it is not difficult to get around the city at the day because taxis and buses are easily found. Unfortunately, there is no bus in the evening. The only way to see the night life of the city is bu taxi, but is are at night. I like Yogyakarta because it’s a beautiful and peaceful city. I would like to visit it again one day.
Answer the question !
1. Divide this passage into 2 paragraph !
2. What is the main idea of each paragraph ?
3. What adjective does the writer use to describe this city ?
4. What characteristic does Yogyakarta have ?
5. How does the writer describe the place.
Activity 4
Write a short description about the place that you like to go in your holiday based an the writing plan !
Writing plan
Introducing – Give general – What is the name of the place?
information about the place – Where is it located?
– What do you know about the history of the place?
– What makes this place interesting?
– Have you been to this place?
Main part – Describe the place, size – What is this place like?
People, building, famous – Is there anything special about
Sights this place?
– Are there any sights, buildings worth to visit?
– What can people do to have a good time?
Conclusion – Give your opinion about – What do you think of this place?
The place – Is there anything you particularly like/dislike about this place?
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Main Part
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A.2. Grammar Focus
A.2.1. Simple Present Tense
Description text in general uses Simple Present Tense as its main tense. Here is the summary.
A. General pattern
Time reference
a. Verb pattern
(+) S + V1(-s/-es)
(-) S + do/does not V1
(?) Do/does + S + V
B. To be pattern
(+) S + is/am/are + adjective/adverb/nouns
(-) S+ is/am/are not + adjective/adverb/nouns
(?) Is/Am/Are S + adjective/adverb/nouns
Always never
Often occasionally
Sometimes seldom
1. Expressing habitual actions or customs
2. Expressing general truth
C. Examples
1. The desert is hot and dry.
2. Camels live in the desert.
3. Date tree grows well in the desert
4. We aren’t Arabian but Indonesian.
5. They don’t go to Mecca every year
6. Are you hungry?
7. Does Shinta walk to school everyday.
D. Special Note
If the subject is third singular person (e.g) he, she, it John, Smith, Karen, the earth), we must
add a final –s pr –es to the verb.
1. Add –es if the verb ends in ss, sh, ch, x or z
cross – crosses
crush - crushes
catch - catches
mix - mixes
buzz - buzzes
2. If the verb ends in –y preceded by a consonant , change the –y into I and add -es
cry - cries
fry - fries
Activity 5.
Put the verb in the bracket into the correct form.
Do as Example : Ani ….. (drive ) a cab to her school every day.
Ani drives a cab to her school everyday.
A.2.2. Relating verbs
When we describe a thing or place we normally use relating verbs to give information about them.
Example :
Our classroom is big
My hometown has a beautiful beach
Paris looks fantastic at night
Our school is the largest school in our city
Rio De Janeiro is the city in carnival
Prambanan resembles the temple in Cambodia
The largest school in our city is our school
The city of carnival is Rio De Janeiro
The temple in Cambodia resembles Borobudur
Activity 6
Identifying relating verb.
- Read the text below
- Underline the relating verb and answer the questions.
Boomerang is a famous weapon it is used by Australian aboriginal peoples. The boomerang is also famous for returning to the person who throws it. It is a curved or bent throwing stick used for hunting or fighting. Also, nowadays, the boomerang is used just for playing. Most boomerang are between 30 and 75 centimeters long, and they can weigh up to 350 grams. An interesting fact is that not all boomerangs come back. Most boomerang are designed to return, but some are designed not return.
Wood is heated and then shaped into a boomerang. Some shape make the boomerang return, some shapes make it go straight.
Question :
- What this is described?
- The meaning of “a throwing stick is …..
- How many relating verb on the text. mention about them!
A Jackaroo is an Australian cowboy and a jillaroo is an Australian cowgirl. Jackaroos and jillaroos work on huge farm called stations. They ride around the station on horses doing many jobs. For example they check fences and repair them if necessary. They check on the animals and move them from one place to another when needed. This is called mustering. They also take care of activities such as branding, castrating, tagging, young calves and sheep searing. Nowadays Jackaroos and jillaroos sometimes drive 4 x 4 jeeps instead of riding horse to do their jobs.
- What are jackaroos and jillaroos jobs?
- What is the meaning of “branding”?
- Huge has the same meaning with ….
- What is the meaning of “Castrating ….
- What this is described?
Emu is a large bird but it cannot fly. They are usually 1.5 to 2 meters tall. They weigh around 36 kilogram but some weigh as much as 50 kilograms. They have three toes on their feet and very long legs. They can run very, very fast-up to 50 kilometers an hour! Emus eat grass, leaves and small insects. The female usually lays about 20 eggs. The eggs are large and are a dark green color.
The male Emu sits on the eggs in the large nest until the eggs hatch. He sits on the eggs for around 7-8 weeks. He does not leave the nest for this time, when the eggs hatch, the male emu looks after the babies for about six months. The female emu does not care for babies.
- Mention the facts about the Emu!
- How the Emu’s eggs?
- What is the meaning of “hatch”?
- What does the Emu eat?
A.2.2. Noun Phrases
When writing a description about place or a thing we often noun phrases, i e. nouns that come with other words, such as an adjectives or other noun.
(adj + noun) or (noun + noun) we use adjectives and nouns to describe or classify some thing.
Consider the following example.
– a beautiful city – the principal office
– a famous place – a soccer field
– fabulous beaches – a meeting room
– and old building – a basketball court
Identifying Noun Phrases
- Read the text below
- Underline the noun phrases and answer the question.
This city is the largest on Sumatra and is a major road hub in the Deli region. Connections extend by rail to the interior resorts of the Lake Toba area. This city is the site of the University of North Sumatra (1952), the Islamic University of North Sumatra (1952), the palace and residence of the sultan of Deli, a large mosque, and a tobacco-research station. Developing after 1870, the city had a great increase in industrial production in the 1940s and 1950s.
Question :
- What city is described:
- Palembang
- Medan
- Banda Aceh
- Why, do you think, does the writer use phrases?
Forming Noun Phrases
Activity 7
- Use a noun phrase to describe the underlined nouns in the following phrases.
- Number one has been done for you.
- A garage for two cars : A two car garage
- A hotel that is rated “Five Stars”. : _______________________________________________
- A lab to do biology experiment. : _______________________________________________
- A resort for tourists. : _______________________________________________
- A stadium that has 100,000 seats. : ______________________________________________
- A Store with different departments. : _______________________________________________
- A studio to make photos. : _______________________________________________
- A theatre in the open air. : _______________________________________________
- An apartment with 40 floors. : _______________________________________________
- Books from the library : _______________________________________________
Identifying Adjective
Activity 8
Read this text and answer the questions.
If you want to buy leather shoes, slippers, or bags with extremely low prices, then go to this city. Besides its inexpensive products, this cool city also has a special food, “peyem.” Many different flowers are grown in this area, so that the city is called the city of flower.
Questions :
- What city is described?
- Jakarta
- Bogor
- Bandung
- Adjectives used : low, ______,______,______,______.
B. Modelling of Text
Activity 6
Read the following text.
Day attention to the explanation about the structure of the text and the important gram matical and lexical (vocabulary) items.
Example of description
(a) Real Estate
S. present
The residence is situated at Lot no. 56 Sunshine Place in the Sallina Quays Estate.
Tucked away in 2 prime cul-de-sac position with views to Jackson Island over a soon-to-be-completed lake, the property is almost 45 squares.
It has a large four-car garage (remote doors), family room, a modern kitchen, five large bedrooms featuring ensuite and walk-in robe to main plus built-in robes in all others, intercom/radio throughout and beautiful landscaped grounds with any oval-shaped in- ground pool
simple present tense and
verbs of being and having
(b) Extract from Police Report
Homosexuals drugged and robbed
The offender alternately calls himself Stan or George;
He is described as being in his early 30s, of southern European appearance, 180 cm tall with a solid build.
He often wears a chunky gold bracelet and has a home-made tattoo with the letters DMC or similar on an inside forearm.
His accomplice, Mick,
is in his early 30s, of southern European appearance, 175 cm tall and of slim build.
Sandringham detectives are anxious to interview either or both of these men. If you have any information which may assist please contact Detective Sergeant Rob Douglas on 389 7145. Any information will be treated in confidence.
simple present tense and
verbs of being and having
Identifying the Text’s Structure and Purpose
Activity 7
Label the parts of this text and answer the questions.
Spring Garden Apartement
The Spring Garden Apartement Complex offers you and your family country living at its best.
Surrounded by beautiful woods and hills, Spring Garden is located ten miles outside the city but is only minutes from downtown on the freeway.
Unfurnished two-bedroom apartments are available. Each apartment has a dishwasher, central heating, air conditioning, and a laundry room. Children and pets are welcome.
In addition, there are tennis and basketball courts, two swimming pools, and a playground. There are two parking spaces for each apartements.
(Richards, Hull, & Proctor, 1995 : 19)
Questions :
1. What does the writer want with this text?
2. Where can you possibly find this kind of text?
3. What kind of word are in bold?
4. Circle the relating verbs.
B. Joint Construction of Text
Activity 8
In Group of four , complete the following description about our contry.
A great nation of Indonesia
Indonesia is a great country.
This country is archipelagic. It has lots of islands. The country’s territory is very wide. It covers 1,904,443 sq km. ____________________________________________________________________
D. Independent Construction of Text
Activity 9
Writing a descriptive text independently.
Writing your own descriptive text
Write about the description of the city, town, sub district or village where you are living. Use the guidelines provided.
(Give an interesting title for example “Karanganyar Town, A peaceful place”)
(Write the name of your city, town or village with a brief description
(Describe parts, quality, and characteristic of your place)
a. geographical condition
b. important landmark
c. place of interest
d. number of population
e. economic condition
f. lifestyle
A. Choose the correct answer!
Text 1.
Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It has a population of six million, the largest of any urban center in the southeast Asia. It is located on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River in northwestern Java. The city is coextensive with its metropolitan area, Jakarta Raya and forming a special capital region. The city has expanded from the Kota, or Old city and now includes the modern port of Tanjung Priok.
The majority of the city's residents are Moslem from west, central and east Java. In the last 30 years, heavy immigration, primarily from the densely populated areas of Java, has encountered for much of the rapid growth. Jakarta is the major industrial and commercial center in Indonesia with textiles and food processing among its more important industries.
Jakarta's port is the nation's center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia Culture, houses both domestic and overseas flights.
Jakarta is also the cultural center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia culture houses both ancient and modern works art.
The University of Indonesia and nine private universities are located here.
Jakarta was settled as a trading center b Hindus and Buddhist from India about 15th century. The Portuguese dominated the area in the 14th century, but they were ousted by the Sultan of Bantam in 152'7. He named the city Jayakarta, meaning ." glorious fortress ".
to ?
1. What does the text above belong to ?
a. report
b. description
c. narrative
d. exposition
e. explanation
2. What tense does the text above mostly use ?
a. present tense
b. present continuous tense
c. past tense
d. present perfect tense
e. present future tense
3. Where is Jakarta located ?
a. in the metropolitan area
b. Tanjung Priok
c. the Kota or Old city
d. on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River
e. in northwestern Java
4. The majority of the City's residents are Moslem ... ( pr. 2, first sentence ). The word " residents " has the same meaning with …
a. citizens
b. people
c. persons
d. population
e. human
5. Which of the following statements is not true ?
a. The port of Tanjung Priok belongs to the city now.
b. Jakarta is the largest urban center in South east Asia
c. Jakarta is the major industrial and commercial center
d. Sultan of Bantam ousted Hindus and Buddhist
e. Most of residents are Moslems from west, central and east Java
6. When did Jakarta begin as a trading center ?
a. in 1527
b. in the 14th century
c. in the 5th century
d. in the 15th century
e. in 1945
7. The Portuguese dominated the area in the 14th century, but were ousted by Sultan of Bantam in 1527. The word " they " refers to ... .
a. Hindus
b. Buddhists
c. Dutch
d. Portuguese
e. Moslems
Text 2
New York is America’s largest city. Many people call it the heart of America. Its skyline is known everywhere in the world. Broadway and Times Square have been seen by more visitors than any other places in the country.
New York Broadway is the theatre capitol of nation. Its dramas, comedies, musicals and reviews are seen all over the world. Radio City Music hall, with its famous shows and live choir, is one of city’s most popular attractions.
Soho which is often visited by visitors is the city’s current art centre. Its bars, restaurants and galleries are among the favourite meeting places for the art world’s elite. Chinatowns will be a rewarding stop on the visits. Its exotic market, its unusual shops, its beautiful art, and its wonderful restaurants make it difficult to leave.
In New York, there are some of the world’s greatest museums and cultural centres: the Julliard School of Music: the Metropolitan Museum of Art: the Guggenheim Museum, built by Frank Lloyd Wright. New York is also one of the world’s great seaports. The visitors can spend a very exciting day walking the New York waterfront. Take a ride to Staten Island. Take photographs of the city’s many bridges, especially the Brooklyn Bridge. Visit Central park and watch street performers.
Manhattan, the heart of New York is a never-ending circus. Visit Wall Street and the Diamond district. Spend hours of windows shopping at its thousand stores and shops. There are branches of the world finest stores in the street of Manhattan. New York is a shopper’s paradise. But, New York is a much more than shopping. It is a city of landmark: Rockefeller Centre with its beautiful art deco architecture: Grand Central Terminal: the New York Stock Exchange.
Millions of people are fascinated every night by Manhattan’s display of flashing neon signs. The Empire State building is among the city’s best-known landmarks. City skyscrapers and architectural panoramas will be seen everywhere.
There are still many other beautiful places in New York. New York famous zoo and the city’s many urban parks are often visited by many people. In Manhattan, there are beautiful sculptures by world-famous artist, fountain, monuments, churches and cathedrals. The United Nations building where many diplomats are seen is a famous building in the world. The Statue of Liberty, the gift from the people of French, has become America’s most famous symbol.
8. The text above belongs to
a. report
b. description
c. exposition
d. narrative
e. explanation
9. The first sentences functions as
a. general classification
b. identification
c. orientation
d. abstract
e. setting the scenes
10. “It’s” in paragraph 2 line 2 refers to …
a. the heart of America
b. New York Broadway
c. Times Square
d. America’s largest city
e. New York
11. Why is New York said to be the theatre capital of America?
a. Because New York is the largest city
b. The world’s greatest museums and cultures can be found in New York
c. Because there is Radio City Music Hall
d. People all over the world can enjoy its dramas, comedies, musicals and review
e. New York is the heart of city in America
12. Everywhere you look, you will see excite city skyscrapers and architectural panoramas. The underlined word has the same meaning with …
a. tall building
b. land markers
c. panorama
d. attractions
e. sculpture
13. New York Broadway is the theatre capital of the nation. The world “is” belongs to …
a. mental process
b. material process
c. relational process
d. connections
e. perception process
14. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
a. Soho is the city’s current art scene centre
b. The metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the world’s greatest
c. New York is one of the world’s great seaport
d. More visitors have seen Broadway and Times Square than any other places in the country
e. Americans build Liberty by themselves
15. My brother bought …
a. four kitchen aluminum multi-purpose utensils
b. four aluminum kitchen multi-purpose utensils
c. four multi-purpose aluminum kitchen utensils
d. four utensils multi-purpose aluminum kitchen
e. four multi-purpose aluminum utensils kitchen
16. She’s got blonde …
a. skin
b. hands
c. shoulders
d. hair
e. lips
17. Tom has very broad …
a. skin
b. hands
c. shoulders
d. hair
e. lips
18. She is beautiful but her younger sister is really quite …
a. ugly
b. pretty
c. bad
d. handsome
e. nice
19. Borobudur a gigantic Buddhist shine, is situated 42 kilometers north-west of Yogyakerta. The underlined words means …
a. nice
b. huge
c. tall
d. large
e. wonderful
Complete the gaps in the police poster!

a. light straight
b. dark curly
c. long straight
d. long curly
e. dark wavy
a. slim
b. stocky
c. thin
d. broad
e. well
a. round
b. thin
c. oval
d. good
e. square
23. X : What do you think of autumn in London?
Y : I think autumn in London is chilly and damp with rain and drizzle
The underlined expression shows …
a. asking someone opinion
b. asking someone comment
c. asking someone for information
d. asking agreement
e. asking certainty
24. X : There’s a good wind today. I think it’s good to sail.
Y : Yeah, it’s a good idea.
The underlined expression shows …
a. giving opinion
b. giving agreement
c. disappointment
d. attention
e. necessity
25. X : Did you enjoy visiting the museum?
Y : Yes, I did. I admired …
a. an old interesting French painting
b. an interesting old French painting
c. an old French interesting painting
d. a painting old interesting French
e. a French interesting painting old
B. Write the correct order in which the sentences should come in the paragraph!
1. The White House is a very large building.
2. His official home is called the White House.
3. Some of the rooms are open to the public.
4. The President of the United States lives and works in a special residence.
5. It contains receptionist rooms, offices, and rooms in which the President’s family lives.
The correct order : …….. , …….. , …….. , …….. , …….. .
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