Why Do Mosquitoes Buzz (Narrative Text)
Why Do Mosquitoes Buzz (Narrative Text) |
Long, long ago, mosquitoes didn’t
buzz, they talked and talked.
One day, Mosquito was talking to
Iguana, telling her about his vacation, about every-minute of his vacation.
Mosquito would not let Iguana say one
word. Iguana was so annoyed that she
walked away, leaving Mosquito still talking. Iguana grumbled and waved her
She was still grumbling when she
passed her friend Snake, and forgot all about saying hello. Snake was feeling
hurt. He felt so sad that he slithered down a rabbit’s hole.
“Help!” yelled Rabbit as she scurried out
hole, terrified of Snake.
“What’s wrong ?” cawed Crow as he
saw Rabbit racing. Danger must be near .
“Run for your lives!” cawed Crow.
Monkey heard Crow’s warning and
took off through the treetops, leaping branch to branch. When monkey landed on
Owl’s branch, high up in a leafy tree, Owl’s nest tipped off the branch and
fell to the ground, breaking Owl’s eggs. Owl was heartbroken, so much that she
didn’t hoot for the sun to come up.
The whole jungle was mad at Mosquito. Finally Owl hooted for
the sun to come up and when it did
Mosquito lost his voice. All he could do was buzzing in everyone’s ears.
“Zzzzzzzzzzzz! Is everyone still mad at me !”.