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Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

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Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013
Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013
Sebelum Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawaban ini ada baiknya kalian melihat pratinjau latihan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawaban dibawah ini:
 A.  Choose either a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.

1.     A    :  Hi, Jane, how are you?
B     :                   , how are you?
A    :  I’m OK.
a.    How do you do
b.    Fine thanks
c.     Good morning
d.    Yes, I am
2.         A    :  Jane, this is Romeo. Romeo, this is Jane?
B     :  How do you do, Romeo?
C     :                    .
a.    How are you, Jane?
b.    How do you do, Jane?
c.     What do you do, Jane?
d.    I’m Àne, thanks.
3.     A    :  What’s your                  ?
B     :  My name’s Alan.
a.    job
b.    phone number
c.     address
d.    name
4.     A    :  Where are you from?
B     :                   .
a.    My name’s Mike
b.    I’m from Banjarmasin
c.     I’m Charlie
d.    How do you do?
5.     A    :  What’s your job?
B     :                   .
a.    I’m a student
b.    He’s an engineer
c.     I’m Àne, thank you
d.    He’s from Mataram
6.         A     : Hi, Dian. Are you coming to the footbal game?
B         :  Hi, Kwan. Yes, I’m coming to the game.
A    :  OK, then. See you there. Bye.
B     :                   .

a.    OK
b.    Hello
c.     Good morning
d.    Bye
7.     A    :  Hello, Mom.
B     :  Hello,  Dian.  Why  are  you  still awake?
A    :  I’m Ànishing my homework.
B     :  All right. But don’t sleep late.
A    :  OK, Mom. Good night.
B     :                   .
a.    Good evening
b.    Good morning
c.     Good night
d.    Goodbye
8.     A    :  Excuse me. Do you know where Mr Murphy’s house is?
B     :                   .
a.    Oh, I see. Thank you
b.    You’re welcome
c.     Which one?
d.    Of course. It is in front of the fruit stall
9.     Sani :  Adi, can I borrow your pencil?
Adi :  Sure, here it is.
Sani :  Thank you.
Adi :                    .
a.    I’m sorry
b.    Don’t mention it
c.     Thank you
d.    That’s OK
10.   Mother  :  Erli,   Did   you   break   the plate?
Erli     :  Yes,  I  did.  I’m  very  sorry, Mom.
Mother  :                    .
a.    I’m sorry, too
b.    That’s quite all right
c.     Don’t mention it
d.    You’re welcome
11.   Teacher :  Dani,   open   the   window, please.
Dani       :                 .
a.    Don’t mention it
b.    OK, Sir. Thank you
c.     I’m sorry, Sir
d.    Yes, Sir
12.   A    :  What time is it?
B     :                   .
C     :  I asked you what time it is.
a.    Come on
b.    All right
c.     Please
d.    Excuse me?
13.   A    :  Do you  like to play games?
B     :                   .
A    :  What game do you like?
B     :  I am very fond of Áying kites.
a.    No, I don’t
b.    Yes, I’m Àne
c.     Yes, I like it a lot
d.    I can’t stand it
14.   A    :  What  do  you  think  about  my new dress?
B     :                   it looks good on you.
a.    I know
b.    I think
c.     It’s good
d.    I think it’s a good idea
15.   A    :  Hello.
B     :  Hello. Can I have this magazine, please?
A    :  That’s 10,000 rupiahs, please.
A    :  Here you are.
B     :                   .
a.    Don’t mention it
b.    Never mind
c.     Thank you
d.    Goodbye
16.   A    :  Did you call me last night?
B     :  No, I didn’t.
A    :                    .
B     : Yes, I’m sure
a.    Are you all right?
b.    Are you OK?
c.     Are you Àne?
d.    Are you sure?

17.   A    :  Let’s go to the city park.
B     :  It’s closed.
A    :  Are you sure?
B     :                   . Adi told me so.
a.    Well, I’m sure
b.    Yes, I’m Àne
c.     I’m all right
d.    I’m okay
18.   A    :  Are you Sammy?
B     :                   . I’m Pieter.
a.    She isn’t
b.    Yes, I am
c.     No, I am not
d.    Yes, he is
19.   A    :  Do you get up at 4 every morning?
B     :                   .
A    : What time do you get up.
B     :  I get up at 4.30 every morning.
a.    No, I don’t get up at 4
b.    Yes, I get up at 4
c.     No, she doesn’t get up at 4
d.    Yes, she gets up at 4
20.   A    :  Hello. I                   Katrin.
B     :  Hi, my name                  Mei Lan.
a.    am - are
b.    am - am c.     am - is
d.    is - am
21.  What                   your name?
a.    are                 
c.     is
b.    am                 
d.    was
22.  Hello,                  ’m William.
a. I                     
c. she
b. he                  
d. it
A    :  What’s the time?
B     :                   .
a.    It’s quarter to eleven.
b.    It’s quarter past eleven.
c.     It’s quarter past twelve.
d.    It’s half past eleven.
24.   A    :  What’s the time?
B     :  It’s twenty Àve to six.
25.  Susan has breakfast in                
a. the bathroom
b.    the dining room
c.     the bedroom
d.    the living room
26.  You receive guests in                
a.         the living room
b.    the dining room
c.     the bedroom
d.    the bathroom
27.  We usually cook food in         
a.         the bathroom
b.    the bedroom
c.     the kitchen
d.    the living room
28.  We                   in the living room.

a. eat dinner
b.    watch TV
c.     sleep
d.    take a bath
Read the following text to answer questions 29—34.
My name is Janis. I am twelve years old. I live in Genuk Krajan, Semarang. Here are the names of my friends, their ages and addresses.
Teto Laras Tamtam Tammy Aini
Guntur          Sex
Boy Girl Boy Girl Girl Boy Boy    Age
11 years
12 years
12 years
10 years
10 years
11 years
12 years          Address

18,  Genuk Perbalan, Semarang
74, Jalan Menur, Semarang
6, Jalan Kamboja, Semarang
11, Jalan Mataram, Semarang
3, Pegulon Indah, Kendal
27, Genuk Krajan, Semarang
20, Genuk Perbalan, Semarang

29.  How old is Janis?
She is                   years old.
a.         10                   c.     12
b.    11                   d.    13

30.  Tamtam lives at                 .
a.    18, Genuk Perbalan, Semarang
b.    74, Jalan Menur, Semarang
c.     3, Pegulon Indah, Kendal
d.    6, Jalan Kamboja, Semarang
31.  Who lives next to each other?

a.    She is reading a book.
a.         Teto and Laras.       
b.         She is reading a magazine.
b.         Teto and Guntur.   
c.         She is reading  a newspaper.
c.         Tamtam and Tammy.        
d.         She is writing a letter.
d.         Aini and Ulil 39.      

32.  Tammy and Aini are                 .
a.    ten years old
b.    eleven years old
c.     twelve years old
d.    thirteen years old
33.  Who lives near Janis?
a.    Ulil.
b.    Guntur.
c.     Laras.
d.    Tamtam.
34.  Do you                   to eat vegetable?
a.    likes
b.    like
c.     liked
d.    to like
35.  The children of my aunt and uncle are my                  .
a.    daughters b.    sons
c.     cousins d.    brothers
36.  My cousins’ father  is my                 .
a.         father
b.    mother
c.     aunt
d.    uncle
What is the boy doing?
a.    He is mopping the Áoor.
b.    He is cleaning the bathtub.
c.     He is cutting the grass.
d.    He is sweeping the yard.
The sign means “                 ”
a.    Don’t be noisy please.
b.    Don’t take the photographs.
c.     Don’t bring pets
d.    Keep off the grass.
37.  My cousins’ mother is my                 
a.         father
b.    mother
c.     aunt
d.    uncle

Read the text to answer questions 41—45.

I am Kenny. I am in year 1 SMP Puring. I go to school on foot. I wear a uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I wear a badge too. I like to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts at home. I like to wear slippers, too.
Text by Artono Wardiman

What is the girl doing?

41.  What does Kenny wear to school?
He wears                   to school.
a. a uniform
b.    slippers
c.     a T-shirt
d.    sandals
42.  What  does  Kenny  like  to  wear  at home?
He like to wear T-shirt, a pair of shorts and                  .
a.    shoes
b.    slippers
c.     a hat
d.    a tie
43.  Kenny goes to                 
a.         SMA Puring.
b.    SMP Puring.
c.     Puring University.
d.    hospital.
44.  Why does Kenny wear a badge?
a.    To look smart.
b.    To be heat and tidy.
c.     To   show   which   school   he   is studying in.
d.    To seem cute.
45.  Kenny goes to school                
a.         by bus
b.    by bicycle
c.     by motorcycle
d.    on foot

Read the text to answer questions 46—50.
The Jackson Family
Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. He teaches English at SMP 8. He is a very good teacher. His students like him.
His wife is an Indonesian. She comes from Medan. They have one son and one daughter. The children go to a primary school.
Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood.  It  has  Àve  rooms:  a  kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and two bedrooms. The Jacksons have a house maid to help Mrs. Jackson to do the house work. The maid comes from Bantul.

46.   What does Mr. Jackson do?
He is                  .
a.    a father
b.    a teacher
c.     a student
d.    a house maid
47.   Where do the Jacksons stay?
a.    In Denpasar
b.    In Bantul
c.     In Medan
d.    In America
48.   “She comes from Medan.” (line 3)
The  underlined  word  refers  to  Mr.
Jackson’s                 .
a.    teacher
b.    daughter
c.     student
d.    wife
49.   Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood.
The sentence means               
a.    Mr. Jackson is a carpenter
b.    Mr. Jackson likes to collect wood
c.     The materials of Mr. Jackson’s house are from wood
d.    There  is  a  lot  of  woods  in  Mr. Jackson’s house.
50.  Mr. Jackson’s house has                  
a.         a kitchen and a private room
b.    a living room and a garage room
c.     a living room and a bathroom
d.    a bedroom and a prayer room

B.   Rearrange the sentences to make a good procedural text.
1.    Pour 250cc of hot water, stir well.
2.   Wait about 3 minutes until the porridge thickens.
3.   Empty  instant  porridge  and  chicken powder into a bowl.
4.   Superporridge is ready to serve.
5.    Add  soy  sauce,  chili  sauce,  crackers and shallots.

C.  Read Maya’s schedule and answer the questions.
1.    What does Maya do on Friday?
2.    When does Maya have her English tuition class?
3.    Who does Maya visit on Sunday?
4.    Why is Maya not able to play basketball with Adi on Tuesday?
5.    If Adi wants to visit Maya, which is the best day?
Final Review
1.   b
2.   b
3.   d
4.   b
5.   a
6.   d
7.   c
8.   d
9.   b
10.   b

11.   d
12.   d
13.   c
14.   b
15.   c
16.   d
17.   a
18.   c
19.   a
20.   c

21.   c
22.   a
23.   b
24.   a
25.   b
26.   a
27.   c
28.   b
29.   c
30.   d

31.   b
32.   a
33.   a
34.   b
35.   c
36.   d
37.   c
38.   c
39.   d
40.   c

41.   a
42.   b
43.   b
44.   c
45.   d
46.   b
47.   a
48.   d
49.   c0
50.   c

B.    3-1-2-5-4

1.     She goes swimming.
2.     She has English tuition class at 6.00 pm on Tuesday.
3.     Her grandmother.
4.     She has to attend her English tuition class.
5.     The best day for him to visit Maya is Thursday.


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